ISO 22000 is an international standard that defines the requirements for a management system for safety and food hygiene applied to all organizations in the food chain, from producer to consumer.
ISO 22000 is designed to be compatible and harmonized with other international standards on management systems, such as ISO 9001. It can therefore be integrated with the systems and processes for managing existing.
The ISO 22000 is applicable to all companies operating directly or indirectly along the food chain, including producers of packaging.
The benefits of ISO 22000 are numerous: the main ones are the tangible and demonstrable improvement of performance in the field of food safety and the best guarantee of compliance.
ISO 22000 enables companies to:
- create and operate a system of food safety management within a framework clearly defined but flexible enough to meet the needs of the specific business of the company;
- understand and identify the risk to which they are potentially exposed to both the company and consumers;
- create tools to measure, monitor and optimize effectively all performance related to food safety;
- comply optimally the constraints imposed by legislation and basic requirements.