+39 0522 688509
COMPAC S.R.L. > Certificazioni > Certifications > Environmental Management System

Environmental Management System


To effectively manage our environmental impacts and achieve the improvement of our environmental performance, we have developed an Environmental Management System certified according to the International Standard ISO 14001: 2015 and EMAS registered according to Regulation EC 1221/2009.

This system is based on clear principles that are the basis of a proper management of environmental issues:

  • Continuous improvement in environmental performance
  • Pollution prevention
  • Compliance with laws and regulations
  • The involvement and cooperation of all workers
  • The open dialogue with all stakeholders outside the company (organizations, local communities, customers, suppliers)
  • The measurement and monitoring of our results and our performance

The ISO 14001: 2015 defines the requirements for an environmental management system and shows that the company has an appropriate management system to monitor the environmental impacts of its business and seeks improvement.


Environmental Policy expresses the commitment of COMPAC towards the protection and preservation of the environment and to the consistent application of process control and management of environmental issues due to Our activities.

Main objective of the Company’s environmental is to ensure the protection of the environment and natural resources and prevent pollution. Therefore COMPAC is not committed only to ensure compliance with all applicable laws relating to the environment and applicable to its activities, but also to pursue the continuous improvement of its environmental performance through the development of an Environmental Management System certified according to reference UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015, to constantly monitor the environmental aspects of the activities and prevent, eliminate or minimize their impacts.

  • The guarantee of adequate waste management, in order to reduce the production and improve the collection
  • The control of the consumption of energy resources
  • Raising awareness and training of company staff in order to share management system put in place, with special attention to those who are most involved in activities affecting the environment
  • The responsibility of service providers on issues of environmental protection, in order to minimize the potential risks of pollution-related business.
  • Create and maintain an organizational structure for the management of the system of delegation of the Directorate, with the assignment of tasks, responsibilities and authority
  • Develop relationships with agencies / authorities / external companies for constant update on the legal requirements
  • Involve all staff in implementing the policy and environmental objectives
  • To train and educate personnel on operational issues related to the environmental aspects
  • Constantly update the documentation of the system according to the regulations / standard
  • Create operational control procedures that guarantee the correct operation of the system
  • Stipulate agreements and service contracts with entities / external companies to ensure continued efficiency of plant and equipment and proper management of all activities that generate environmental impacts
  • Periodically check the adequacy and explore possibilities of improving the elements of the system and environmental aspects (through inspections, detection of non-compliance, definition of corrective actions) and ensure that the objectives have been achieved
  • Submit to periodic management review the Environmental Policy, objectives and implementation of the management system to assess its effectiveness to continuous improvement