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COMPAC S.R.L. > Certificazioni > Certifications > Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Certification ISO 45001:2018

The Company undertakes to guarantee the protection of the environment and the protection of the health and safety of its employees and anyone who is inside the factory. For this reason, COMPAC not only undertakes to guarantee compliance with all applicable safety and environmental laws applicable to its activities, but above all to pursue the continuous improvement of its performance through the development of an Integrated Management System to constantly maintain risk factors and environmental aspects connected to the activities carried out are monitored and the related impacts are prevented, eliminated or minimized.

The company management defines in this Policy document a general reference framework, within which the specific improvement objectives must be set, which envisages:

Continuous commitment in the development and promotion of new, more eco-friendly products and technologies;
Commitment to investigate, analyze and document any accidents and injuries to implement the related prevention measures;
Commitment to the prevention of occupational diseases;
Guarantee of a safe working environment through the identification, elimination or reduction of risks to an acceptable level through an analytical assessment of the risks and on the basis of the current state of knowledge and technique;
Consultation of employees and the RLS in order to allow worker participation in the decision-making process relating to performance improvement measures and proposed changes;
Guarantee of adequate training, information and training for its employees to allow them to carry out their business safely and to make them part of the management system put in place;
Guarantee of adequate waste management, in order to reduce production and improve separate collection;
Responsibility of service providers, contractors and outsourcers on the issues of environmental protection and worker safety, in order to minimize the potential pollution risks associated with their activities, as well as the risks to the health and safety of workers.
To achieve these general objectives, the Company undertakes to implement a Management System that allows:

Create and maintain an organizational structure for the management of the System by delegation of the Management, with assignment of tasks, responsibilities and authorities indicated in the manual and in the procedures of the System itself;
Develop relationships with external bodies / authorities / companies for constant updating on legal requirements;
Involve all staff in the implementation of the Policy and improvement objectives;
Train and train staff on operational issues related to their safety and environmental aspects;
Constantly update the system documentation according to the reference regulations / standards;
Create operational control procedures that guarantee the correct functioning of the system;
Enter into agreements and assistance contracts with external bodies / companies to ensure the continuous efficiency of plants and equipment and correct management of all activities from which risks for workers and environmental impacts may derive;
Periodically check the adequacy and any possibility of improvement of the elements of the System (through inspections, detection of non-compliance, definition of corrective actions) and ascertain that the objectives have been achieved;
Subject the Policy, objectives and implementation of the Management System to periodic reviews by the Management to assess its effectiveness with a view to continuous improvement.
Our Environment and Safety Policy is communicated internally by posting on the company notice board, and is also available for consultation by all interested parties (customers, suppliers, service providers, entities) on the company website.